
arigatou + sayonara

ça y est : on est rentrés !

on arrive sans bagages (momentanément égarés entre l'aéroport Charles de Gaulle et l'aéroport de st exupéry) et bien crevés par un long voyage retour... mais alors quel voyage !
Tokyo - Hakone - Tokyo - Kyoto - Osaka - Tokyo en 10 jours, c'est dense, et c'est du lourd.
Ce périple cuvée 2007 a été tout simplement extraordinaire; j'ai beaucoup de choses à raconter dans les prochains posts et de bien jolies photos à mettre en ligne.

Nos amis japonais sont vraiment des gens incroyablement attachants et chaleureux. Leur hospitalité n'a d'égal que leur gentillesse. Ce voyage a été aussi riche en grande partie grâce à eux. If you read these lines, thankyou, thankyou so much.

Nous ramenons près de 600 photos cette fois-ci (1.3Go!) et j'ai hâte de récupérer les centaines d'autres prises par nos compagnons de route et amis japonais.

C'est aussi pour moi le premier voyage avec le caméscope : j'ai filmé presqu'une heure et demie de rushs à trier mais objectivement, je n'ai pas encore le coup : je pense que mes prises de vues sont très quelconques malgré les sujets... il va falloir prendre des cours de cinéma, ce n'est pas demain que je vais faire de l'ombre à Stanley Kubrick. Peut-être que je pourrais rattraper un peu ça au montage avec Vegas. A suivre.

mais pour l'instant, ce sera chocolat + douche + dodo :
il s'agit de vite se remettre des 8 heures de décalage horaire et de revenir sur terre car là, je suis encore ailleurs - à 10000Kms d'ici.

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7 commentaires:

Blogger Unknown said...

Hey darling!!
Good to hear that you all went back to France safely.

I miss having you around whenever I've realized you are not here anymore, but hopefully we can see each other quite soon.

Again, I am so sorry I couldn't have enough time to spend with you this time. I wanted to talk to you loads of things, but the flu and my job hindered us from doing that..... But thank you for your company and I really enjoyed my time with you.

Please remember that you are a part of my family, and moi aussi in your family. You treated me really well and I really appreciate it.
So please don't say "Sayonara", it includes a bit sad nuance; better to say, "mata-ne" (see ya)for now.

Please give my regards to S, F and I too (and of course, to every my friends). I promise that I am goin back to France to see all of you ASAP.

Please take care and talk to you on skype!!


Blogger fatfish said...

hello dear

the trip was long and tiring but we got home safely in the end. It is so cold here and so different...
Our trip in Japan was really special this time and we were all very sad to leave, that is maybe why I think that sayonara is the appropriate word.

We send you all our love and thank you again for all you have done for us. Even if we didn't spend as much time together as we would have wished, every second was precious. yuki, michina and all your great friends were so kind and helpfull, we were really blessed to be with you all in japan. We shall see each other again very soon either in japan or in france.

on t'embrasse très fort machiko san :)

Blogger fatfish said...

you are family too

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was special feeling in this time.

When I say good-bye to you guys.
I always felt "See you again!"with lots of smile.
This time...I felt "You guys back to france..."with some empty-heart feeling.

I still in missing mode,but also I am so happy all of your heart touched in my heart.And SAKURA make me "A MOMENT" feeling.

I do wait next beautiful moment with all of you.

HONTOU NI ARIGATOU...phil,steph,ilknur,fab.


Blogger fatfish said...

Hi yuki !
I am so glad to read from you here.

thankyou so much for everything
merci, merci, merci !

Hanami together at asakusa was fantastic - a unique moment for us too. Something special to remember.
We were so lucky that the sakura was so perfect on that day in particular.

We really hope to see you soon in France or in Japan - you too shall always be welcome in our home.

Love from me and Steph

Anonymous Anonymous said...

bon ben moi y faut que j'me mette à l'anglais...mais bon grosso modo ça à l'air des messages très chaleureux, plein d'amour, vous êtes super gentils, vous aussi, non c'est vous etc etc ;)

Blogger fatfish said...

majico, tu as tout compris.
...et ça fait bien plaisir toutes ces gentillesses!


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